Individuals with Autism experience difficulties in flexible social interaction and communication and rigid/repetitive behaviours or interests. ​As many as 1 in 100 people are affected by Autism. There are many other terms used such as High Functioning Autism, Asperger's Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Condition. The medically recognised term for Autism is Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autism can present differently in different individuals.
Autism may be present with other medical conditions as well, therefore an expert evaluation is recommended.
The assessment of Autism includes:
A detailed history of the child’s development and presentation usually a 3Di and or DSM-5 based history.
Medical Examination is very important to rule out medical conditions therefore a paediatrician assessment is necessary
Autism specific tool such as ADOS-2 or BOSA assessment
Observation/ Information from more than one setting such as educational setting if applicable or information from other professionals involved
Investigations are not routinely indicated but may be necessary depending on individual presentation
There are a number of Autism specific tools that can be used for assessment. These include but are not limited to
There are a number of conditions that can co-exist with Autism. The presence of other conditions can sometimes mask the presentation of Autism. These conditions include but not limited to
Global Developmental Delay or Learning Disability
Dyspraxia or Developmental Coordination Disorder
Chromosomal Disorders and syndromes etc.
Therefore assessment by a medical expert is required to identify them
Impact of Autism
Children with Autism may have functional and or mental health and behavioural problems
Functional Problems and Disorders
Eating Disorders such as Avoidant and Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
Urinary Incontinence
Faecal Incontinence
Sleep Disorders
Mental health and Behaviour Problems and Disorder
Anxiety and Phobias
Mood Disorders
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Tics or Tourette Syndrome
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Self-Injurious behaviours
Therefore an expert assessment is recommended to ensure these conditions are recognised and managed appropiately
There are a number of conditions that can co-exist with Autism. The presence of other conditions can sometimes mask the presentation of Autism. These conditions include but not limited to
Global Developmental Delay or Learning Disability
Dyspraxia or Developmental Coordination Disorder
Chromosomal Disorders and syndromes etc.
Therefore assessment by a medical expert is required to identify them
Supporting a child or young person with Autism is a joint responsibility of all those involved with them.
Establish Accurate Diagnosis in a timely manner
Identification of other conditions that may be associated with Autism
Management of conditions such as ADHD, Sleep Difficulties and Aggression
Management and advice on sensory and co-ordination issues
Advice and support parents and other professionals
Contribute to Education Health and Care Plan Assessment etc
According to the Special Education Needs and Disability Code of practice, education settings should make reasonable adjustment for Children and Young people with Autism.
Autism Education Trust provides a rich source of information advice and support for schools and educational authorities.
There are a range of benefits that may be available to families with children who have a diagnosis of Autism such as Disability Living Allowance, Carers Allowance etc.​
Each local authority publishes their Local Offer that helps parents navigate through the services available locally for children and young people with Autism and other Special Education Needs and Disability